Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Caleb the realist (wonder where he gets this from?!)

The other day Caleb brings me a card that he has drawn on and tells me it is a gift for me. I excitedly thank him and eagerly look at his artwork. He smiles and blushes back happily.

I then state sweetly, "this is neat, what did you draw for me?"

Caleb looks at me and says in stark honesty with a 'well duh' look on his face, "Mom, it's a scribble. I can only draw scribbles."

1 comment:

  1. Jade, i just love all your stories of the wise words of Caleb. I just caught up with the last few posts of your conversations with him. My heart just bursts with laughter and joy at the love and purity he has in his heart. Give everyone kisses from us!
